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When you sponsor an animal for a year you make a HUGE difference in their life. With your donation you will be helping Frank with all of his care from routine vet visits to daily feedings. With your yearly sponsorship you will receive monthy updates and pictures of your animal, plus a plaque on the animals stall acknowledging your sponsorship. Also, receive a free pass for all Open Barn Days! Come out and meet the animals you’ve sponsored—so they can thank you themselves! This is the gift that keeps on giving, for you and for Frank.


Visit to watch a short documentary on Frank and the rest of The Liber8ed.


Frank is the most cautious of all the Liber8ed, just capturing a photo of him for this post has proved difficult! He even seems to be a bit cautious around the other steer. We have found some treats that are totally breaking barriers with him though! If we can make our arms stretch as far away from our bodies as humanly possible, he will take a peppermint treat from us!! Frank's most distinguishing feature is his missing tail-- he lost it in the semi accident. He also had a laceration on his mouth that went down to the bone. The laceration was flushed out at ISU but his tail was already on the mend. Next summer, we will explore options for making a faux tail for him to keep the flies away. Frank was named by our founder, Jered Camp, as Jered felt like he was a "Frank the tank".

Sponsor Frank (Liber8ed) for a Year

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