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Here at Iowa Farm Sanctuary, we rely solely on donations from people like yourself. All donations we receive are going directly to the animals and provides them with food, shelter, healthcare and much more. Without the kindness of giving donors, we would not be able to provide the animals of Iowa Farm Sanctuary from an otherwise early or unneccessary death. Every little bit counts, even a donation of just $5 goes a long way! You can click on the donate button below and make a donation through PayPal using a credit card, debit card, or e-check. A nice thing is you don't have to have a PayPal account to make a donation! You may also write a personal check to Iowa Farm Sanctuary and send it to 2485 Hwy 6 Trl Marengo, Iowa 52301

If you know of

an animal in need,

please email us at

We will do what we can to help!


Sponsor Iowa Farm Sanctuary

Our sponsors are our partners, they share our mission, vision and integrity. They not only help care for our rescued animal residents, but also fund educational field trips for low income children and their families across the midwest. One of our biggest goals of our organization is to provide an educational opportunity to children and families about animals, food, the environment, and compassion. 

Sponsorships can be from businesses or individuals.

Your generous donation will be fully tax deductible and go directly towards the care of our rescued animal residents along with assisting us in future rescues.

To sponsor the sanctuary please email our founders, Jered & Shawn Camp, at


Below you will find details of our different sponsor tiers: Cow, Pig, and Goat.


Support our sanctuary on Amazon

Select "Iowa Farm Sanctuary" as your charity on Amazon Smile and/or purchase our wishlist items. Click the buttons below!

Sponsor an Animal

Visit the SHOP section of our website!

Patreon is an awesome new way to join our community—by simply making a monthly donation, we will provide you with exclusive monthly rewards and opportunities! Receive early access to event tickets, never-before-seen photos, merch, and more! We have 4 different tiers of Patreon supporters- Chicken, Goat, Pig, and Cow! Choose the donation and rewards that match your lifestyle!



"You can now "Walk for a Dog" when you walk your own dog, someone else's dog, a shelter dog, a foster dog, or just yourself! As long as you walk at least 1/4 of a mile once a week, donations are given to the animal organization of your choosing. The more walkers and the longer the walks, the more that is given!


All you have to do is go to and download the app, choose Iowa Farm Sanctuary as your organization of choice, and start walking! It will tell you how far you walked and how fast. Not only are you helping us, you'll keep yourself and your pup healthy as well!"

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