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Meet Our Animals
The Farm
Importance & Events

Our Mission:


"At Iowa Farm Sanctuary, we will provide a safe haven to rescued farm animals in need of love and compassion while providing humans the opportunity to experience the unique sentience and intelligence found within these animals."


2485 HWY 6 TRL

Marengo, Iowa 52301

The Importance of a Sanctuary

Saving a handful of animal's lives may not make a big impact on the agricultural industry here in Iowa, but it will be the biggest impact possible for every single animal that is saved. 
Giving farm animals a home where they can live a life free of confinement is the least we could do for these sentient beings. We recognize farm animals have been regarded as food or a product for far too long and we want to provide an opportunity for people who have not interacted with farm animals an opportunity to see for themselves how complex and intelligent the animals are. 

Help us build a new barn!

We need a new barn before winter!
With a new barn, we will be able to rescue more animals. 
All donations to our Barn-raiser will be matched by two anonymous donors up to $6,000!
To participate in our Barn-raiser, simply make a donation and email your receipt to with the subject, "Barn-raiser."
Donate to Barn-raiser
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